横浜教区ステラマリスへのご寄付のお願い/Can you help a seafarer today? Donate now!

横浜教区ステラマリスでは、横浜、川崎地区を中心に訪船活動を行っています。船の着く港は、広い範囲にわたり多くの場合車で移動しなければなりません。また、街に出たい、教会に行きたいなど船員さんのニーズに応えるためには、大人数が乗れる車両を用意しなければなりません。こうした、活動の基礎となる車両の維持費や、緊急時の支援のためには活動資金が不可欠です。私たちSTELLA MARIS 横浜では、こうした資金を賄うために多くの方のご寄付に頼っています。ご寄付をいただく際に、多くの方からご要望のあった銀行口座を開設いたしました。趣旨にご賛同いただける多くの方からのご寄付をお願い申し上げます。

横浜銀行 本牧支店 口座番号1375867 ヨコハマエーオーエス

STELLA MARIS YOKOHAMA covers Yokohama and Kawasaki ports and transportation by car is required. Also, to meet the request of the seafarers to visit towns or churches, we need to provide big vehicles to fetch them. We rely on your support and contributions to make our activity ongoing. Thank you very much for your understanding.

Please donate as follows:
Yokohama Bank Honmoku Branch
Account No: 1375867 Yokohama AOS

クリスマスプレゼント用毛糸の帽子 ・お土産・メッセージカード/We are welcome your message cards, souvenirs and knitted hats for Christmas Presents for Seafarers


送り先:〒231-0055, ENCOM横浜内 横浜教区ステラマリス 船員センター, 横浜市中区末吉町1-13


STELLA MARIS YOKOHAMA gives Christmas presents and calendar for seafarers, every year. We want to welcome the seafarers and share a Christmas mood to make their holiday season a little more enjoyable. We deliver presents to over 2,000 seafarers. Your support will make them smile and happy, so please continue supporting us.

When seafarers are working on board, they always wear their helmets to protect their lives because the ships are made of metal. The knit caps are under their helmets to serve as a cushion for their heads. Please let us know if you’re interested in helping us knit these caps for them!

Knit caps and gifts delivery address: 231-0055, STELLA MARIS YOKOHAMA Seafares Center in ENCOM Yokohama, 1-13 Sueyoshi-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-city , Japan
Tel: +81-45-308-7200



We gives seafarers the calendars that have Japan-themed pictures as new year’s presents. We begin distributing the calendars in November, so we would appreciate it if you could send calendars that capture our Japanese culture, as early as possible.